Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family

Meghalaya, often referred to as the abode of clouds, is a picturesque state nestled in the northeastern region of India. June marks the onset of the monsoon season in Meghalaya, bringing lush greenery and refreshing showers. Despite the rains, June is an excellent time to visit Meghalaya with family, as the landscape comes alive with vibrant flora and fauna. In this guide, we’ll explore the best places to visit in Meghalaya in June with family, ensuring an unforgettable vacation experience.

How to Travel Meghalaya from Kolkata/ Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family

Best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family

Cherrapunji: The Land of Living Roots Bridges

places to visit in meghalaya in may

Cherrapunji, officially known as Sohra, holds the title of being one of the wettest places on earth and it the best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family. Famous for its living roots bridges, formed by the indigenous Khasi tribes, Cherrapunji offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Explore the living root bridges, such as the iconic Double Decker Living Root Bridge, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surrounding rainforests.

Suggested read: Discover the Hidden Beauty of Laitlum Shillong: A Complete Guide

Dawki: The Crystal Clear Waters of Umngot River

DAWKI river-How to Travel Meghalaya from Kolkata

Dawki one of the best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family, situated near the Bangladesh border, boasts crystal clear waters of the Umngot River, offering a surreal boating experience. In June, the river sparkles under the gentle sunlight, creating mesmerizing reflections. Take a boat ride on the Umngot River and marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the submerged rocks and pebbles beneath the transparent waters.

Mawsynram: The Wettest Place on Earth


Mawsynram, another contender for the title of the wettest place on earth, is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. With its lush green landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and mist-covered valleys, Mawsynram is a sight to behold during the monsoon season . Embark on treks to explore hidden caves, such as Mawjymbuin Cave, adorned with stunning stalactites and stalagmites make the best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family.

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Shillong: The Scotland of the East

How to Travel Meghalaya from Kolkata

Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya, exudes charm with its rolling hills, colonial architecture, and vibrant culture. Take a stroll along the bustling streets of Police Bazaar, indulge in delectable Khasi cuisine at local eateries, and visit attractions like the Don Bosco Museum and Ward’s Lake. Shillong’s pleasant climate make among the Top Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family makes it an ideal destination for family vacations.

Nohkalikai Falls: The Tallest Plunge Waterfall

Nohkalakai-How to Travel Meghalaya from Kolkata

Nohkalikai Falls, located near Cherrapunji, is the tallest plunge waterfall in India, plunging from a height of over 1,100 feet. Witness the sheer majesty of the waterfall as it cascades down into a turquoise blue pool below, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Marvelous Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family showers enhance the beauty of Nohkalikai Falls, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts.

Mawlynnong: Asia’s Cleanest Village

riwai village

Mawlynnong a good Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family, acclaimed as Asia’s cleanest village, offers a serene escape amidst pristine surroundings. Explore the picturesque village pathways lined with blooming flowers, visit the Sky Walk for panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, and interact with the friendly locals to learn about their eco-friendly practices. In June, Mawlynnong radiates with natural beauty, inviting travelers to unwind and rejuvenate amidst nature’s embrace.

Suggested read: Nongjrong Meghalaya Tourism: Thing to do/Homestay/Sunrise view etc

Family-Friendly Activities

Meghalaya offers a plethora of family-friendly activities to ensure an enjoyable vacation experience:

  • Exploring Caves: Delve into the mystical depths of Meghalaya’s caves, such as Mawsmai Cave and Arwah Cave, adorned with impressive limestone formations and underground streams.
  • River Rafting in Dawki: Embark on an exhilarating river rafting adventure on the Umngot River in Dawki, suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters.
  • Enjoying Local Cuisine: Treat your taste buds to the flavors of Meghalaya by savoring traditional Khasi dishes like Jadoh (rice cooked with meat), Doh Neiiong (pork with black sesame paste), and Pumaloi (steamed rice cakes).
  • Trekking Trails: Discover Meghalaya’s scenic beauty through trekking trails like the David Scott Trail, offering panoramic views of lush valleys, meandering rivers, and cascading waterfalls.
Sohra Tourism

Accommodation Options

Meghalaya provides various accommodation options catering to different budgets and preferences:

  • Family-Friendly Hotels: Choose from a range of family-friendly hotels offering comfortable amenities and convenient locations, such as Polo Orchid Resort in Cherrapunji and Hotel Polo Towers in Shillong.
  • Budget Accommodations: Opt for budget guesthouses and lodges in popular tourist destinations like Dawki and Mawsynram, providing affordable yet comfortable stay options.
  • Homestays: Experience the warm hospitality of the locals by staying in charming homestays in rural villages, such as Mawlynnong and Laitlum. Homestays offer an immersive cultural experience, allowing families to interact with the host families, participate in local activities, and savor authentic homemade meals.
mawlynnong villages

Weather and Packing Tips

In June, Meghalaya experiences moderate to heavy rainfall, contributing to the lush greenery and scenic landscapes. When packing for your trip, consider the following tips:

  • Weather Conditions in June: Expect frequent showers and overcast skies during your visit to Meghalaya in June. While the rain enhances the natural beauty of the region, it’s essential to be prepared for wet weather conditions.
  • Essential Items to Pack: Pack lightweight rain gear, including waterproof jackets, umbrellas, and sturdy footwear with good traction. Don’t forget to carry insect repellent, sunscreen, and medications for any specific health needs. It’s advisable to pack moisture-resistant bags or pouches to protect electronic gadgets and other essentials from water damage.

Transportation Guide

Navigating Meghalaya’s diverse terrain and scenic landscapes is made convenient with various transportation options:

  • Best Ways to Reach Meghalaya: The nearest airport to Meghalaya is located in Guwahati, Assam, approximately 120 kilometers away. From Guwahati, you can hire a cab or take a bus to reach Meghalaya. Alternatively, you can travel by train to Guwahati and then continue your journey by road.
  • Intra-city Transportation Options: Within Meghalaya, taxis, shared cabs, and buses are readily available for traveling between towns and tourist attractions. Renting a car with a local driver is also a popular option for exploring the region at your own pace.

Safety Measures

While exploring Meghalaya with family, prioritize safety by following these essential tips:

  • Tips for Safe Traveling with Family: Always stay updated on weather forecasts and avoid venturing into remote areas during heavy rainfall. Stay on designated trails during treks and hikes, and avoid swimming in turbulent waters or venturing too close to waterfalls. Keep emergency contact numbers handy and maintain communication with your accommodation provider or tour operator.

Local Culture and Etiquette

Respect the local customs and traditions of Meghalaya by observing the following etiquette:

  • Respecting Local Customs: Meghalaya is home to diverse indigenous communities, each with its unique customs and traditions. Respect local customs, such as seeking permission before photographing people or religious sites, and avoid littering or damaging natural habitats.
  • Learning Basic Phrases: While English is widely spoken in urban areas, learning a few basic phrases in the local Khasi language, such as greetings and expressions of gratitude, can enhance your interaction with locals and show appreciation for their culture.

Budget Planning

Plan your budget for a family trip to Meghalaya by considering the following expenses:

  • Estimated Expenses: Budget for accommodation, transportation, meals, entry fees to tourist attractions, and miscellaneous expenses like souvenirs and tips. Research and compare prices for accommodation and activities to optimize your budget without compromising on comfort or experiences.

Photography Tips

Capture the beauty of Meghalaya’s landscapes and cultural heritage with these photography tips:

Capturing the Beauty: Experiment with different angles and perspectives to capture the essence of Meghalaya’s scenic beauty. Embrace the play of light and shadow during the monsoon season, capturing vibrant rain-washed landscapes and dramatic cloud formations. Don’t forget to seek permission before photographing people, especially in rural areas.

khasi tradition

Environmental Conservation

Promote sustainable tourism practices to preserve Meghalaya’s natural environment for future generations:

  • Promoting Sustainable Tourism: Minimize your ecological footprint by practicing responsible tourism, such as carrying reusable water bottles, avoiding single-use plastics, and participating in eco-friendly initiatives like tree planting or beach clean-ups. Support local conservation efforts and initiatives that aim to protect Meghalaya’s biodiversity and cultural heritage.

Testimonials and Reviews

Read about the firsthand experiences of visitors who have explored Meghalaya with their families:

Our trip to best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family was truly unforgettable! From exploring the living root bridges of Cherrapunji to savoring local delicacies in Shillong, every moment was filled with joy and adventure. We were amazed by the natural beauty of Meghalaya, and the warm hospitality of the locals made our trip even more memorable.” – The Smith Family

Visiting Meghalaya with our kids was a fantastic experience. The weather in June was perfect for exploring waterfalls and trekking trails, and our stay in a traditional homestay in Mawlynnong was a highlight of our trip. We highly recommend Meghalaya to families looking for a unique and enriching travel experience.” – The Jones Family

FAQs: Places to Visit in Meghalaya in June with Family

What are the best activities for families to enjoy in Meghalaya in June?

Answer: Families visiting Meghalaya in June can enjoy a variety of activities, including exploring the living root bridges, embarking on river rafting adventures in Dawki, indulging in local cuisine, and trekking through lush green landscapes.
Is it safe to travel to Meghalaya with children during the monsoon season?

Answer: While Meghalaya experiences heavy rainfall during the monsoon season, it is generally safe to travel with children. However, it’s essential to stay updated on weather forecasts, follow safety guidelines, and avoid venturing into remote areas during heavy rainfall.
What are some must-visit attractions for families in Meghalaya?

Answer: Some must-visit attractions for families in Meghalaya include Cherrapunji’s living root bridges, Dawki’s crystal clear Umngot River, Shillong’s scenic landscapes, Nohkalikai Falls, and Mawlynnong, Asia’s cleanest village.
Are there any precautions to take while exploring caves in Meghalaya?

Answer: Yes, while exploring caves in Meghalaya, it’s essential to follow safety precautions such as wearing sturdy footwear, carrying adequate lighting sources, staying on designated paths, and avoiding touching or disturbing cave formations.
How can families experience the local culture and traditions of Meghalaya?

Answer: Families can experience the local culture and traditions of Meghalaya by interacting with the friendly locals, participating in traditional ceremonies or festivals, visiting local markets, and staying in homestays to immerse themselves in the local way of life.
Are there any guided tours available for families in Meghalaya?

Answer: Yes, there are several tour operators in Meghalaya that offer guided tours suitable for families. These tours often include transportation, knowledgeable guides, and visits to popular attractions, ensuring a hassle-free and enriching travel experience for families.


Plan your family getaway to Meghalaya in June and embark on a journey of discovery amidst nature’s splendor. From cascading waterfalls and lush rainforests to vibrant cultures and warm hospitality, Meghalaya offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation for travelers of all ages. Start planning your trip today and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones in the enchanting landscapes of Meghalaya.

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